The Importance of Juggling the Soccer Ball
When you think of juggling the soccer ball, I am sure the first thing that you think about is some “trickster” in the streets of Europe or in a gym, posting their videos to get Instagram likes, or YouTube views.

I agree with you, these guys or girls can do magical things with the ball, but can they actually do that in a game is the question.
And, why would you want to do that in a game anyways…
What you may not realize is: juggling will help you develop a relationship with the ball, as well as improve your timing, spatial understanding, touch, motor coordination, balance, body control, and leg strength; which will all in combination will build your confidence!
When you go out and train by yourself, or with a teammate, I am sure the last you think about is going to work on your juggling, because you probably say to yourself “how can this actually relate to the game of soccer?”
I understand where you are coming from, but let’s look at it from a different and more positive lens.
Perfecting the small details of how you control the ball, the intricate touches that you can add into your game, the way you strike and pass the ball will all improve when you add juggling into your training.
Yes, you don’t often see players juggling the ball down the field, of course, except in Brazil; a beautiful league to watch due to the insane amount of attacking ability these players have, but just an unwillingness to really put any effort into defending ;).

Everyone has their own way, every body is different, and every culture is different. That’s what makes the beautiful game such an art!

Sturridge just Vibin’ Fam
Juggling the soccer ball will help develop a certain mind-body connection, the connection between your mind, your foot, and the ball. This is the foundation/base of your skill as soccer player.
What does Juggling the Soccer Ball Actually Develop:
Reasonable question, I will give you a good answer.
You will develop a relationship with the soccer ball. You will directly understand how you are supposed to treat and touch the ball. If you treat the ball with love, the ball will treat you with love!
Juggling the Soccer Ball to Improve Your Aerial Control:
Controlling and touching the ball on the ground might appear to be easy to you.
Once the ball is in the air, and tons of pressure is coming at you, it’s a whole different story.
If your team plays excellent soccer, and your coach stresses to play the ball on the ground, you might say to me “I don’t need to work on controlling the ball out of the air, because we always try to play on the ground & my coach doesn’t want me to play the ball in the air.”
Ask yourself about when the ball is coming to you off a diagonal ball, or when the ball is in the air off a corner or goal kick.
No matter how well your team plays, if you are a good juggler, you will be able to take the ball out of the air, and get it on the ground as quickly as possible so your team can start PINGING again!
Juggling the Soccer Ball will help improve your Timing & Body Control:
When you juggle the ball, you have to correctly time your touch to keep the ball in the air, and continue to take good touches.
You have to balance your body, and control the ball and your body in space to keep taking good touches.

Look at that Body Control!
Juggling the Soccer Ball will Improve Your Single Leg Strength:
As a soccer player, you are constantly on one leg, trying to balance, and put your body in good positions. Juggling will improve your single leg strength and balance, while strengthening your ankles and knees.
You can do all of this while also working on your technique and touch; sounds like a perfect combo to me!
Juggling the Soccer Ball will Improve your confidence:
When you are a good juggler, and you have a good relationship with the ball; you will develop and immense amount of confidence. Therefore, when you step on the field, you won’t doubt your ability, and you will be creative.

You are the artist, the game is your canvas:
When you get on that field, it is your time to perform, and show what you can do. If you are a creative player, and you have the ability to change games, you will get noticed, and you can make a big name for yourself in this game.

Close ’em Zlatan!
Juggling the Ball Can Be Worked on Anywhere & Anytime:
You can work on your juggling and technical ability wherever you are, and at any time.
Juggling will not burn you out or make you tired, like dribbling drills or shooting drills will.
Therefore, you can work on juggling before or after training, and you won’t be burnt out or too tired to perform well in training.
It is also a fantastic way to warm up or cool down.
As always, you have to try it, and see what works best for you.
You Can Juggle Alone:
I constantly hear the excuse that players can’t work on their touch or relationship with the ball because they don’t have a partner to train with them.
The best part of juggling is that you can work on it on your own!
If you have the desire to be a professional footballer, play in big stadiums, and reach your dreams, you will put the time into juggling, and becoming a better juggler.

Yeah Man.
What are we waiting for?
Let’s get to work!

Never Ever Disappoint this Man!
You may ask how….
Check out this recent video that I just posted:
In this video, I focus specifically on the inside of the foot, and improving your inside of the foot touch with juggling.
You can incorporate these techniques after or before training; during the season or during the off season.
Your development begins and ends with you. The truth is, no one care as much as you do to achieve your dream to be a top soccer player.
I mean, if you are reading this; I am pretty sure that you want to be a top player, and reach your fullest potential.
So, stop reading this, get out there, and get to work!
And as always, hit your boy up if you have questions, concerns or some typa’ vibe you want to chat about.
All love!
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