Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions about how it works? Please browse the FAQs below.
Who is the 1-on-1 Coaching Program for?
-The extremely dedicated & committed athlete who wants to achieve their athletic and life goals.
-The athlete who is willing to commit 6 months of their life to daily improvement physically and mentally.
-The athlete who is willing to take their development in their own hands and take full responsibility for their decisions and actions.
-The athlete who fully understands that progress takes time and that this journey is a marathon, NOT a sprint!
-The athlete who fully believes that health is wealth!
-The footballer who wants to play Professionally, Collegiately, for their Varsity team or for their Club’s A-Team.
-The entrepreneur who wants to invest in themself to take their productivity and efficiency to new levels, while also being able to enjoy their social life and strengthen their relationships, without burning themselves out!
Who is the program not for?
-The athlete that just wants to put in the work when they’re “motivated” to do it.
-The athlete who talks more about their goals and desires, rather than acting and executing.
-The athlete who is willing to be open and honest and communicate with me, even when they don’t feel like it.
-Someone who wants quick results and someone who wants to take shortcuts.
-Someone who is close-minded, and someone not willing to learn something new every single day.
-Someone not willing to put in the time and effort to dig deep inside themselves and truly see what they are doing well, and what they are not doing well.
When can you expect results?
-You will see results in the first couple of days. You will see visible results within the first month. You will notice massive results in 6 months, as long as you follow through on your end.
How do you know the technique of the exercises?
-I will provide a link with a video of me doing the exercise and cues on how to do it.
-If you have questions about your technique; you’ll simply send me a video of you doing the exercise and I will make any corrections that may be needed.
What do you get from me?
1. 24/7 Email Support from Me.
2. 100% Access to Me.
3. Access to my 3,000+ Exercise Video Database
4. A new gym training program every month individualized to you and your goals.
5. A nutrition plan centered around your goals and your lifestyle. This will allow you to develop a better relationship with food, and help you perform better than anyone else, while reducing any excess body fat you my have, so you can feel confident and look better than you ever have!
6. A new technical training (if you’re a soccer player) program every month.
7. A new coaching video every single week, (from my 70-video library) that will teach you how to optimize your habits and routines, so you can take full responsibility for your health and fitness.
8. Your choice of when you’d like to get on the phone with me.
9. A new detailed PDF Document and/or video with one of my methods will be sent every week, so you can optimize your performance.
10. You will develop a hardened mindset so you can overcome any and all difficult challenges that might come your way.
10. A recovery plan so you can teach your body how to recover in an effective and efficient way, so that you can bounce back stronger, faster, and you can be more resilient on and off the field.
11. You will learn how to optimize your time and be more productive leaving you the energy and free time to do what you love.
12. If you have the ability and you show me through hard work, dedication and commitment that you have the mindset to play at the professional level. I will be glad to help you get connected to my contacts.
From Real Clients

I am positive that I can make you feel, look, move, and perform better than you ever have! I understand that you don’t live close by… everything can be done online. You can train from wherever you are, whenever you want, and have live access to me for training sessions!
Fill out the application below if you are interested. I look forward to working together and helping you crush your goals!