How to Train Your Upper Body as a Soccer Player:

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As an ex-professional footballer who’s transitioned into the role of general manager for a pro club, I’ve seen firsthand how the game continues to evolve, and how players must adapt to stay competitive!


The game continues to become more physically demanding!


One often overlooked aspect of football gym training is upper body strength. 


Many players focus heavily on legs and cardio, which is of course, very important.

But upper body strength sometimes gets a bad “rap” and some players’ slack on their upper body training

The truth is, your upper body strength plays a crucial role in your overall performance and resilience on the pitch. 

I remember during my playing days, the strength I built in my upper body helped me shield the ball better and helped me win more

1 v 1 battles. 

Now, as a General Manager, I encourage our players (especially younger players) to integrate proper upper body workout plans into their routines.


If you want to skip this entire article and read 6 Key Tips for Footballers when Training Upper Body in the Gym, Watch this 1 Minute Video:

  1. Understanding the Role of Upper Body Strength in Football:

Why Upper Body Strength Matters

Injury Prevention: Strong muscles and joints can handle the game’s physical demands better, which reduces the risk of injury.

Improved Ball Possession Ability: Strong upper body muscles help in controlling and shielding the ball when under pressure from an opponent.

Enhanced Throw-ins: Strong arms and shoulders contribute to longer and more precise throw-ins.

Physical Resilience: Overall strength helps players withstand challenges and maintain their performance throughout the season.

Improved Self Esteem/Self Confidence: This is one of the most underlooked ways that upper body strength can improve a footballer’s performance

When you look better in the mirror and in your jersey, you will perform better.

“Look good, feel good, play good!”


Lots of people say that upper body training doesn’t do anything for footballers’ but I strongly believe the mental aspect of upper body training outweighs any of the detrimental effects of it (as long as you’re training like a footballer and not a bodybuilder in the gym).

The physical endorphins and “feel good hormones” produced after upper body training and when having a “good looking physique” can help you perform better on the pitch because when you feel good about yourself, you demonstrate more self-respect and self confidence. 

When you have more confidence on the pitch, you will be able to demonstrate your best abilities because you are willing to take risks and you don’t care if you make mistakes.

You may think I’m crazy, but this is something I’ve seen time and time again after coaching over 800 athletes in the past 8 years.


  1. Assessing Your Current Fitness Level

Before you dive into a soccer upper body workout plan, it’s critical to understand where you’re currently at. Working with a sports physiotherapist or a strength and conditioning coach can help identify your strengths and weaknesses. This was a game-changer for me early in my career; as I was able to it tailor my workouts to be as effective as possible based on my strengths and weaknesses.


  1. Setting Realistic Goals

Crafting SMART Goals


Set goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. For example, a defender might aim to increase their bench press by 20% in three months to improve their 1 v 1 Defending abilities and confidence to win duels.


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  1. Fundamental Exercises to Include

Building a Solid Base:

I always suggest starting with bodyweight exercises before progressing to weighted exercises (especially if you’re a younger footballer).

Once you’ve mastered bodyweight exercises, you can move to weighted exercises and start pushing the weight.

Here are some exercises to start with:

Push-ups: Start with standard push-ups and progress to variations like diamond or decline to target different muscle groups.

Pull-Ups/Chin-ups: Essential for back strength and posture, improving your aerial game.

Bench Press: Develops chest and arm strength, useful for throw-ins and physical duels.

Rows: Strengthen your back and shoulders to improve your 1 against 1 defending ability.

Shoulder Press: Improves overhead strength, which is crucial for heading and throw-ins.

Here is a full follow along upper body workout as a soccer player:


  1. Incorporating Football-Specific Movements

Exercises like medicine ball throws can improve your explosive power and rotational power needed for long passes and driven shots. 


Core stability exercises also play a crucial role in maintaining balance and generating power from the ground up.


  1. Creating Your Weekly Gym Plan

A balanced week might look like this:


Monday: Leg Strength and Power

Tuesday: Speed and Agility

Upper Body Strength and Power

Wednesday: Active Recovery

Light Jogging or Cycling

Stretching and Mobility Work


Thursday: Full Body Strength and Hypertrophy

Friday: Endurance and Conditioning

Interval Training

Circuit Training

Saturday: Rest or Light Activity

Light Movement (e.g., Swimming, Cycling)

Stretching and Mobility Work

Sunday: Functional Training and Flexibility

Functional Exercises (e.g., TRX Rows, Kettlebell Swings)

Balance and Stability Work

Core Stability Exercises

Yoga or Stretching Session


  1. Monitoring Progress and Making Adjustments

Regular check-ins with your coach or trainer are very important as well. You need to let your coach how you’re progressing week after week.

Adjust your plan based on progress or feedback from games and your coaches. 

For example, if you’re finding yourself getting “bodied off the ball” during games, it might be time to start focusing more on your gym work and making it a priority during the training week.


  1. Recovery and Nutrition

-Recovery is as important as the workout itself. 

-Make sure you are getting enough protein to aid muscle recovery and incorporate stretching and mobility work to maintain flexibility and reduce injury risk.

Here’s a full follow along mobility session if you need one:


-Also (highly under looked), make sure you are sleeping at least 8 hours per night!


  1. Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overtraining: More isn’t always better. Balance intensity with adequate rest.

“Better is better. More isn’t better”

*As I said, make sure you are following a plan that has your future success in mind!

Neglecting Other Body Parts: Ensure your training program is holistic and you aren’t just training upper body to look good at the beach! 

Stamina, Core and leg strength are also vital components for footballers to focus on in the gym.


  1. Inspiration and Motivation

I recall a couple of matches where my upper body strength allowed me to play through a full 90 minutes more effectively than some younger players. 

It wasn’t exactly the upper body strength work but it was the ability to consistently push through fatigue and use the confidence that I’ve developed through training in the gym that allowed me to push through the tough times!

If you have dumbbells only, here is an example of a full dumbbell upper body workout for footballers:


Integrating upper body strength into your training isn’t just about building muscle; it’s about enhancing your overall game. 

Start small, stay consistent, and remember, the work you put in off the pitch can significantly impact your performance on it. 

As always, if you have any questions or need further guidance, don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Let’s get stronger together with this structured soccer upper body workout plan!


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