10 Key Tips To Become an Elite Centerback:

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As a former professional footballer and now the General Manager of a pro team, I’ve seen firsthand what it takes to be a successful center back in modern football.

Defending has become one of the key parts of the game, forming the bedrock that holds the team together.

Here are Ten Essential Tips for becoming an Elite Center Back.

Tip #1: Reading of the Game

Understanding how to read the game is crucial for any defender. This skill allows you to anticipate your opponent’s next move, which allows you to cut off their strengths and take complete advantage of their weaknesses (so you can get the better of them!).

I remember playing against some of the best strikers and wingers in the league

The thing that will set you apart will be your ability to read the game and predict the next move of your opposition, rather than trying to outpace or out strengthen them (especially if they’re physically better than you are).

Knowing when your opponent wants to cut inside and/or what their dominant foot is will make all the difference and help you a lot when defending.

This gives you the ability to push your opponent to the direction you want them to go instead of letting them dictate which way they want to go.

Game Awareness: Always keep your eye on your opposition and the path of the ball to anticipate the next move. This includes knowing where your teammates are and predicting where the ball will travel based on how the other team moves the ball.

Pro Tip: If you know your next opponent, spend time studying them. Watch their past games to understand their patterns and tendencies.

The best way to scout your opposition would be in person.

If you can’t do that, the best way to do it would be on video.


Tip # 2: Positioning

Positioning is the cornerstone for all defenders, especially if you don’t have speed.

Proper positioning stems from your ability to read the game.

During my career, I wasn’t the fastest player on the pitch, but I made up for it with smart positioning.

By keeping my eyes on the ball, always staying focused, and staying close to my opponent, I was able to defend at a high level.

Pro Tip: Always stay alert!

-Keep your eyes on the ball and maintain the right distance to your opponent, especially if you’re in the box.

Positioning works in conjunction with the reading the game you’re your ability to understand the next play developing will help you position yourself better.

You should have a goal of watching at least one pro match per week and studying the player in your position.


Tip #3: Aggressiveness

Aggressiveness in a center back is about going hard to the ball, not directly to the opposition.

Occasionally, a strong tackle and a “stuck in” tackle will do you well and will “scare” the opposition!

Your goal should be to show determination to win the ball at all costs.

I recall games where the other team had “star players” who were excellent dribblers.

I did my best to “get stuck in” to those players and make them fear dribbling early so they didn’t punish us during the game.

By being aggressive and winning tackles early, I set the tone, and I made these players hesitant throughout the match.

Pro Tip: Determination- Show relentless determination to win every ball. This mindset can intimidate attackers and give you a psychological edge.


Tip #4: Aerial Duels

Being strong in the air is crucial for a center back. Winning aerial duels prevents the opposition from creating goal-scoring opportunities.

 I always prided myself on my aerial ability, often practicing headers from different angles and heights to ensure I won most of my aerial battles.

Pro Tip:

Aim to win 95% of your aerial battles. This means positioning yourself well and timing your jumps perfectly.

-Grab a partner after training and have he/she throw you at least 20 aerial balls. Work on your timing and power!


Tip #5: Comfort on the Ball:

A modern center back needs to be comfortable on the ball. Confidence and calmness in possession allows your team to play out of the back with ease.

I remember playing with center backs who were comfortable on the ball and had the ability to play the ball through lines.

There’s no better feeling than to have a centerback who has that ability.

As a center midfielder, I was able to communicate with these players’ properly and told them when and what space to find me in.

Since they had such excellent ability on the ball, they were able to play me to the correct foot and instead of having to communicate with me verbally, they were able to communicate with me nonverbally by playing me a pass to the correct foot so I knew I had to turn instead of play backwards.

Pro Tip:

  1. Use this simple video to improve your comfort and confidence on the ball.

2. Grab a partner after training and work on driving with the ball and playing sharp passes through the lines to another teammate or to a mini goal.

Tip #6: Speed

Speed is important when having to defend against fast strikers.

It helps you cover more ground and recover quickly and provides your team a bolster at the back.

 I wasn’t naturally the fastest, but by working on my speed, I improved my ability to catch up with fast forwards and make crucial tackles.


Tip # 7: Tackling

Tackling is an essential ingredient for any defender.

It’s what you get paid to do!

 Tackling requires patience, good timing, and a solid understanding of when to stand strong and when to wait.

 I learned that maintaining a good body posture and planting my leg correctly allowed me to change directions quickly and make effective tackles.

Pro Tip:

Pick the best player on your team and play 1 v 1 against him/her at least once per week. This will help your tackling and 1 v 1 defending ability like no other exercise!


Tip #8: Being a Leader

Leadership on and off the field is crucial for a center back.

You see the whole field in front of you, making it your job to communicate effectively with your teammates.

 I took pride in being a vocal leader, ensuring everyone was in the right position and motivated to give their best.

Pro Tip:

The more games you watch, the more you will understand the game. The more you understand the game and each position, the easier it will be to be a great leader because you can direct your teammates into the right position.


Tip #9: Composure

Composure on the ball boosts confidence and performance. Staying calm under pressure can make you appear more assured and capable.

 I found that maintaining composure not only helped my own performance but also instilled confidence in my teammates. When you’re confident, the rest of your team will be confident!


Tip #10: Being Strong

Upper body & lower body strength are essential for holding off opponents and maintaining control.

Strength Training: Incorporate these simple bodyweight exercises into your routine:

Push-ups: 2-4 sets of 10 reps (vary grip)

Inverted Rows: 2-4 sets of 5-20 reps

Dips: 2-4 sets of max reps

Chin-ups: 2-4 sets of max reps

You can also follow this full follow along lower body workout:


Taking these tips and implementing them into your game can seem daunting, but it’s all about breaking them down into manageable steps.

Focus on improving one aspect at a time.

Football development is a process, and trying to master everything at once can be overwhelming!

Understand that football development happens in stages.

Know your natural abilities and what areas you need to improve.

 For instance, if you’re naturally good at tackling but need to work on your aerial ability, prioritize that in your individual training week in and week out.

Consistently assess your performance

Be honest about your strengths and weaknesses.

You might not be the best in every aspect, but strive to be proficient in at least 80% of these skills.

By focusing on these ten tips, you’ll build a solid foundation to become a top-class center back. Remember, it’s all about consistent effort and gradual improvement.

Keep pushing, stay disciplined, and you’ll see the results on the pitch. Whether you’re aiming to be the next great defender or just looking to improve your game, these tips will set you on the right path.

Keep working hard, and you’ll be the backbone your team can rely on.


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