Client Check In Episode 1-Stephen Lipton From NYC Works full time in Financial Services in NYC at Ernst & Young. We talk about the deep lying message behind my approach and how you don’t have to be “perfect” every single second to achieve your goals! He works at a job sitting down all day, so he reached out to me because he saw a lot of the content I have been putting out, and he realizes how much I stress and prioritize functional movement. He realizes everything doesn’t need to be so regimented. If you miss a workout or a meal, it’s fine. It’s about the long term goal! We talk about how fitness is a marathon, not a sprint. He’s lifted his whole life but finds my training completely different in a way, as he is able to engage his core. He realizes that my training takes him out of his comfort zone. We try to attack his weaknesses and triple down on his strengths. He realizes how important feeling good is to him. We go over nutrition, and he asks how I incorporate proper nutrit