Morning Mobility will Your Change Your Life!

Do you often wake up and feel super stiff, and have some pain in your muscles and joints?

I wouldn’t go as far to say that it is a concern, but, there is definitely something that you can do about it.

Personally, when I can do something about how I feel, look, and move, I take immediate action and get it done!

The most important thing in the world is  your health, and how YOU feel in your body.

When you have your health, and you feel great, you will perform better on the field/in the gym, you will be better and provide more in your relationships, and you will do your work, and fulfill your purpose much more efficiently and effectively.

What if I told you that spending as little as 15 minutes in the morning could start your day on a positive note, and make your day much better?

Well, I am here to tell you that dedicating 10-15 minutes per day to your morning routine will make you feel, look, and move better than you ever have.

Stretching in the morning will help kick start your day, by increasing your energy levels, and your blood circulation.

 It will also help you get into a more parasympathetic state, which will make you much calmer, and more relaxed, and lead to an overall ‘less stressed’ day.

I found the best thing that I have implemented into my morning is making sure to get in my morning mobility and stretching.

Instead of rushing into the day, and feeling like I need to move quickly, and rush out the door, I am able to move much slower, and more relaxed, which carries out throughout the day.


 Take a look at your dog after a great night of sleep, or after a restful nap. I can guarantee he/she will yawn, and have a nice, big beautiful stretch.

Think about it…down dog, one of the best yoga poses!

It is instinctive, it gets their day going, and sure will get your day going!

Let’s take a more in depth look on the Positive Effects of a Morning Mobility routine:

-It will increase the mobility and flexibility in your muscles and joints.

-It will improve your circulation.

-Prepares your nervous system for the rest of the day (less stress).

-Removes tension.


Let me start off by saying; mobility and flexibility are completely different, and too often, they are thought to be similar, but they are not.

Mobility refers to how freely a joint can move throughout its full range of motion.

Flexibility refers to the length of a muscle; and it can be increased when stretching in a proper way.

Your nervous system also plays a crucial role in your mobility and flexibility, and how you react to a stretching routine.

Muscle length, muscle tension/tissue quality and how your nervous system controls the joint come into play.

Another reason why mobility & stretching in the morning are important:

You just woke up from a night’s rest, and your heart rate & blood pressure are at its lowest.

Referring to the latter, you can make some meaningful change in your overall mobility and flexibility.

Stretching in the morning will allow you to be in more total control of your body, and in less pain throughout the day.


 You might have a big meeting, test or presentation to give, which subconsciously causes stress and tension in your muscles.

When you wake up and start the day with some light mobility and stretching, you may instantly ease that stress.

You will look more openly and positively towards the day ahead, and you will find it easier to steer clear of stress.

You will also most likely find that you do better on your best, have a more productive meeting, and give a much better presentation!


We have all woken up with some sort of back, neck or shoulder pain after a night of sleep, and said to ourselves “I didn’t train that hard yesterday, why am I I such pain?”

You might not have been sleeping in an ideal position throughout the night, which leads to pain and stiffness the next morning.

When you are sleeping, you are in your most relaxed (parasympathetic state) state, so your blood pressure and heart rate fall to its lowest. But, when you wake up, you might be feeling stiffness from lack of movement.

Stretching in the morning will help get more blood flow to your tissues, and cause you to have a more productive day!



I hope you are now convinced that morning mobility essential, and it will make your whole day a lot better.

You might be saying, “what stretches do I do, and for how long?”

Well, don’t worry, I got you covered.

Check out this YouTube Video:

As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!

All love!