4 Ways to Improve Your Weak Foot in Soccer:

(If you want to improve your confidence on the pitch, make sure you read the full article)


“Ric, how do I get my weak foot as good as my strong foot?”

This is a common question that I get in my Instagram Direct Messages, and to tell you the truth, it’s much easier to get it better and as good as your strong foot than you may think (as long as your dedicated and committed).

That’s good news for you though, right?!

The best way to improve your weak foot is through REPETITION.

Just like anything else that you want to improve…

Whether it be cooking, having a conversation, making your bed…

The more you do it, the better you will get.

CONSISTENT QUALITY (I emphasize quality for a reason) over time is what gets the best results!

Quality > Quantity!

I would rather you train your weak foot 30-45 minutes 3 days per week with intense focus, concentration and intention instead of training your weak foot for 2 hours 3 days per week, but during the training session you are texting friends, checking social media etc.

Focusing on the task at hand, being in the present moment and getting into a training flow is what it’s all about.


As Promised, Here It Is:

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Here are my Top 4 Ways to Improve Your Weak Foot in Soccer:

1. Commit to making your weak foot as good as your strong foot.

-The most important thing to improving your weak foot is the COMMITMENT to make it better; DECIDING that you will improve it.

-Without commitment and dedication, you have nothing.

-Once you commit that you’re all in, there’s no way back, it will improve!

2. Double the Reps on your weak foot.

-When training individually, you decide how the sessions will be run. So, do double the number of reps on your weak foot.

-The more you do anything (with quality), the better you will get at it.

3. When doing drills, start with your weak foot.

-This lets your brain and body know that your weak foot is your priority.

-When you start with your weak foot, you input the thought in your mind that it’s your “main foot.”

4. Play pick up with your friends only using your weak foot.

-When you go to play pick up with your homies, commit to using your weak foot only in some games.

-Obviously, you don’t have to play only with your weak foot the whole time, that just wouldn’t be fun, but if you play 10 games, use your weak foot only for 7 games. So, you’ll be using it 70% of the time, and over time it will get better.

-Who is judging you during pick up matches anyways…you are there to have fun and get better!

Here are 15 Drills that You Can Do to Improve Your Weak Foot in Soccer:


Do you want to have a weak foot like Ronaldo?!

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